What Participants Say About Us
My experience with Eremia, is one that will linger on for a while. A very precious adventure which resonates deeply into my heart. I was on the constant verge of darkness and light, grief and joy, anxiety and peace. A cocktail of so many raw emotions, describes this adventure best. Thanks to the setting and the amazing team, I trusted them and felt carried. Above all, they gave me the confidence to believe in myself and to trust the process. I am forever grateful for the extra shot of oxygen that I needed so badly. Aho.
Emilie Van Loon
Mijn ervaring met eremia was zeker een sprong in het diepe en in het onbekende. Wel 1'tje in een veilige, zorgzame en hartverwarmende setting. 'we've got your back' zijn geen loze woorden van hen... als in het leven elke sprong in het diepe op deze manier zou verlopen, sprong ik elke dag. Ik ben er ingestapt met een open en nieuwsgierige houding, benieuwd naar wat het mij zou brengen. Mijn ervaring met Eremia was verrijkend. Het heeft een persoonlijk proces op gang gebracht dat leerrijk is. Een ervaring voor het leven. Dankjewel!
Veerle Poelman
Helped me to gain the courage and acceptance to set healthier boundaries within myself and towards my personal relationships. It helped model a safe situation where autonomy and self-expression felt safe. It helped me to easier identify my taught helplessness and how to take more responsibility over myself and my (action) responses.
A psychedelic experience is not a miracle wonder cure that will take away all your problems. It is an extremely potent tool, if used correctly, to help you identify and correct destructive patterns within yourself and your life. You still have to do the work, trust the process.
Birgitte Andersskog
SABENA - Such A Beautiful Experience Now Available!
No... seriously I would recommend it to anyone looking for deeper meaning, healing, and more. It was an amazing experience where one gets to find keys to unlock doors within... follow the rabbit down the hole.... You will find yourself in the right set and setting with an amazing team to guide you. If you are looking for answers and you feel called to jump in, don't hesitate!
Eva De Block
To finally emotionally feel & understand about myself what I rationally already knew, but never truly sunk in and took hold. The pieces of the puzzle suddenly ‘clicked’ and connected.
This is what the Trip and Lennart did for me. Eremia made me a better man.
I owe Eremia more than they will ever know.
My experience with Eremia was life-changing as it allowed to look into my mind in a way that was not previously accessible. That was only possible through the very thorough arrangement of the ceremony by the Eremia team.
Fabio Cameli
I had a beyond transformational experience with Eremia! Eremia created space to explore areas where I needed clarity and guidance.
Life is magic!! & I'm eternally grateful that Eremia awaken that realization withing me!
I would recommend Eremia to anyone who is willing and ready to uncover their limitless potential.
It's truly remarkable to embrace the authentic you and to step into your power.
Schouteden Sanne
Loved it, would 100% do it again
Laura secchi
My experience with eremia was the gift I needed to give myself. It was an opportunity to experience in my body what is unconditional love and that I’m also deserving of it.
Daniel Vidal Ayres
My experience with eremia was just exceptional. I highly recommend it to everyone, provided they're ready to surrender and let go...
Eremia zorgt voor een veilige omgeving, zodat je zonder angst aan je trip kan beginnen.
Rita Smeyers
An Eye opener.
Life can be so easy ;)
Yves Cammaert
Pascal Tack
Het team van Eremia doet dat uitermate goed! Een veilige en sfeervolle bedding creëren voor onervaren psychonauten zoals mezelf, om met vertrouwen op ontdekkingsreis te kunnen gaan in het universum van geest-lichaam. Een goede omkadering, gepast voorafgaandelijk lichaamswerk, en dit alles ook op een fijne locatie. Een aanrader voor iedereen die op ontdekkingstocht wil gaan!
Willem Van Aelten
In alle opzichten héél positief.
Benoit Janssens
Helped me a lot to overcome depression
Rita Smeyers
Mijn ervaring met eremia was een sprong in het onbekende, omringd door fantastische begeleiders. Het heeft me ervaringen en inzichten gebracht waar ik niet van had durven dromen.
Kathy Van de Velde
Als je beslist om de trip te maken, doe het dan met Eremia. De professionele aanpak, de veilige setting, het oprechte, niet-zweverige en ego-loze team dat aan je zijde staat, dat is uitzonderlijk om mee te maken.
Niet enkel tijdens de retraite, maar ook de voorbereiding en de opvolging is van harte en welgemeend vanuit de organisatie. Dankjewel daarvoor. Ik heb een enorm groot respect voor dit stukje "jongere" generatie die iets goed wil neerzetten in de wereld. Dat wat er toe doet! Onmisbaar eigenlijk. Keep going guys! Love you all. San
San Willemse
Très bonne expérience, à refaire
Hennebo Antoine
My experience with eremia was wonderful, the trip starts from the moment you arrive en till the time you depart. You start as a bunch of unknown people and after these days you feel connected to them in away you never experienced before. (These are people you would never meet in your daily life and that makes it even more special). Also the Facilitators are so lovely, the energie they give is so warm that you immediately feel at home. I would recommend this to everyone that struggle with personal difficulties, trauma,… because you will find your answers here. I’m also fan of the reintegration after the weekend. This is something so valuable! It really helps with connecting all the dots together and have a better overall view of your experience!
Anouk Geebelen
Dat ze me met warme zorg begeleiden bij mijn diepste angsten en verlangens.
Steffie Van Loon
First i would love to thank the team for making this experience so authentically sacred and ritualistic. This could never be achieved without passionate professionals taking care of you in such a loving and caring way.
I can say that i genuinely feel that having this experience with Eremia is the most important turning point in my life
I am forever grateful
Tudovan Adrian Iosif
Mijn ervaring mete eremia was mindblowing en levensveranderend gebleken. Ik ben hen diep dankbaar voor de begeleiding en steun.
Kathy Van de Velde
Ik ben dankbaar dat ik dankzij de veilige en professionele ondersteuning van Eremia een fantastische ervaring heb mogen beleven in de juiste setting & omkadering.
Steven Droogers
I came to the weekend with questions, I left with answers. Preparation is key, and the experience was beyond anything I ever experienced before. I do not believe it would have been as incredible without the amazing team around us.
Sébastien Rothan-Ledoux
What a lovely bunch of people at Eremia. I felt very safe in this family, even though I didn't have a easiest experience. I never really was afraid because of the Eremia team. Also loved the activities before and after the ceremony, which helped in preparation and integration.
Carlien Cavens
The one thing I would say about my experience with Eremia would be : I trust these people with my life. With their care and dedication, support and compassion in facilitating these retreats, I could face some of my inner wounds and reclaim my life and my power back. I am forever grateful and thankful.
Anca Crisan
My experience with eremia was pure bliss.
Willems Bjorn
If you don't only wanna be alive, but also FEEL ALIVE! Let an adventure with Eremia show you all the magic. Set and setting and their awesome team are essential for a mindblowing experience like no other.
Dive deep... And discover that there is more...
Sanne Schouteden
Mijn ervaring met eremia was beter dan verwacht. Dankzij de voorbereidingen en het werk rond de intentie van je reis, was dit een echte retraite. De ervaring was mystiek en heeft me enkele inzichten gegeven die blijven nazinderen. Verrijkend.
Yves Bogaerts
Ik heb Eremia ervaren als een warm, ervaren en super professioneel team, een perfecte bedding om er echt voor te gaan !
Bert Vanlommel
In één woord : FAN-TAS-TISCH! Stap over die vooroordelen, angst, 1001 "maren" en doe het gewoon! 'Baat het niet dan schaadt het niet', gooi je erin en zie wat er gebeurt. Eén ding is zeker : er gebéurt iets! ... of je het nu wil of niet. De ervaring gaat over alle grenzen heen van je verwachtingen, over al je vooroordelen, overheen alle innerlijke verzet....
Ingrid Geudens